Eddsworld End.swf

I became a fan of Edd Gould's web toon series "Eddsworld" ever since I saw his flash animations on Newgrounds. In fact, I knew him. I lived not too far from him. I knew Tom, Matt, and even Tord in real life too. Now since I kept in touch with Edd, he let me see his animated episodes at least a day or two before he submits them to the internet.
Sometimes to avoid spoilers, he just shows me a funny part. Such as a part in "Zombeh Attack 1", where Tord got bitten by a zombie and Edd screamed, "NO!!! Not the COKE MACHINE!!" Tord was my favorite character, but I felt sad when he left Eddsworld. I felt even more sad when Edd passed away thanks to cancer in his blood...
Anyway, a while back before Edd passed away, he was just becoming popular. I heard he was in the hospital with leukemia cancer. I felt bad for him, and asked him if he was going to be okay. He said he'll be able to get back on his feet to continue making his comics and flash episodes. I then asked him if I could make some "Special Guest" comics until he felt better. He said he already gave a few other DeviantART members permission to do that, but gave me permission to upload a flash Eddsworld episode to his Newgrounds account. He told me he finished it, and wanted me to upload it for him.
I promised not to share his password, and I dashed out of the hospital, filled with excitement. Before I left, he gave me a spare key to his home so I can get the flash episode from his computer. I put the key in the lock and opened it. I made sure not to break anything in his house or mess anything up for him, because I knew he trusted me.
After I logged into his computer, I searched for the episode until I saw a swf file called "eddsworld_end.swf". I had no idea what that meant, but I guess it must've been the file he told me to get. To make sure it was the file I needed, I searched his computer for anything new, but no luck. I looked at my watch and knew I had to head home, so I saved the "eddsworld_end.swf" onto my flash drive. I left his house, locking the door with the spare key he gave me.
When I got back home and logged onto my computer, I decided to check out this episode to see what kind of adventure Edd and the others might have. I clicked on it, and Adobe Flash Player opened, activating the swf. file. The title "END" appeared with the icons at the bottom: "Play", "Scenes", and "Website". I tried clicking on "Scenes" and "Website", but they wouldn't respond. It looks like the fonts were dumped from another episode. There was also some small text under the word "END", but I didn't read it. I resorted to click the play button. The normal Eddsworld title jingle played, but when it finished, the black background turned red. There was some odd music that sounded a lot like "Night on Bald Mountain".
The title began like this: "Eddsworld presents... END... Starring Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord".
I was quite surprised to see Tord's name in this episode. I thought Tord left after a certain Eddsworld episode was completed. Maybe Edd made this before Tord left Eddsworld, and forgot to upload it. I couldn't think about it at this point, because the episode was just starting. The animation looked the same as Edd's animation style in the episode where the gang were in an Egyptian cave, underground.
It started out as a horrible stormy night in a city. Edd and his friends were walking in the rain. Tom was drinking in a silver canteen, probably alcohol inside. Edd, out of frustration, said, "Tom, must you ALWAYS drink at these times?" "What?" Tom replied, "It helps me relax."
Edd then said, "Well if you keep that up, we'll end up getting killed in accident. I mean you ARE the one driving us home." Tord gave Tom a look of disbelief. For some apparent reason, the voices sounded odd. I may be wrong, but it sounded like voice clips from past episodes that were remixed into new sentences, like what some YouTube Poop videos do. Either that, or it sounded like new voice actors with poor recording. I couldn't tell.
The scene then cut to the group in the car, with Tom at the wheel. Matt and Tord were in the back seats while Edd was in the front.
"You know, Tom..." Edd said with a worried expression, "Maybe I should be the one to drive."
"Hey, drop dead, Edd." Tom snapped back.
He then started the car. Music began to play on the radio. It sounded like it was from a horror movie, but I couldn't tell which one. Tord, out of fear said, "Hey, uh... can you at least play something more... you know, relaxing?" Tom then changed the station on the radio, and the song "Sunshine Lollipops" started playing. I laughed at Tord's flat line expression as the song kept playing, because I know in the series that Tord hates that song. That's when things started becoming strange. While Tom was driving, the music started going slower and more morbid as they kept driving.
The group then stopped at what seemed to be a cliff. The music then started becoming even more morbid and horrifying. Tom had a devious look on his face. Then, Matt said in a scared tone, "Guys, I think Tom's at it again..." I didn't know what they meant by that. I was starting to get freaked out.
Edd then started telling Tom to stop and come to his senses, but he didn't listen. He then stepped onto the gas pedal. All of a sudden, the screen went dark. The low, scary music stopped playing. There was sounds of screeching car tires, crashes, glass smashing, and I even heard the guys screaming. They were screaming unlike how they scream in their usual episodes. It sounded like they were screaming like they were really getting killed.
The screen then faded in to what looked like a wrecked car. The screen then slowly zoomed in into the car. What I saw what gave me chills up my spine. Edd, Matt, and Tord looked... dead. There was a little bit of blood coming from their heads, but the blood didn't look like blood the way that Edd did it in his episodes... The blood looked real...
The screen then zoomed out with a close up of Tom's legs. The camera then moved up quickly to show the back of Tom's head, in full frame. He didn't say anything. He turned around. What I saw horrified me. His black eyes had pupils. But they were a dark red color. He looked a lot like the picture from the "sonic.exe" creepypasta. He gave an evil smile. The same song that played in the radio (Sunshine Lollipops) continued playing in a slow deep tone. The screen stayed on Tom's horrifying face. I covered my eyes in fear, hoping this would end. All of a sudden, I heard the music stop.
I opened my eyes and noticed that the flash video ended, thus bringing me to the main menu of the episode. I then decided to look at the little letters under the word END. The words I could make out was this were, "This is what I think of your series, Eddward. -Tom". I was in complete shock. Did Tom make this flash video to make fun of Edd in a horrible way? No way, he and Edd are friends. Tom wouldn't do anything like this.
After I regained myself, I heard the phone ring. I picked it up, and it sounded like a nurse from the hospital Edd was in. She told me that Edd wanted to speak to me. I then heard his voice on the phone, asking if I uploaded his new episode yet.
I told him everything about the flash video I saw. I asked him if either he or Tom made it. He sounded confused, he said he didn't make a video like that at all. He also said Tom didn't make that flash video of him and his friends dying either. He said he found the flash video online and after watching it, was horrified. He then wanted to proceed in asking the website to delete that flash video hoping that it wouldn't give his fans any ideas of Tom. He asked me if I submitted the episode on his account, and I said no. I heard him sigh with relief.
He told me the website of where he got it from, and then hung up. When I looked up the website, it just said "Website not available. Please try again later." No matter how many times I refreshed the page, the website never loaded. At that point, I gave up. I didn't know who made that flash video, or why they made it.
The next day I was visiting Edd in the hospital again. This time, Tom was with him. I told Tom about that flash video I saw yesterday. He told me that Edd explained to him about my experience, and told me that it was made by a few individuals who actually hated Edd. They wanted to make a mockery of him on the internet by framing Tom. Tom said, "I'm actually glad that the website was down after Edd downloaded that video. People will do just anything to get attention."
I'm not exactly sure what Tom meant by that, but I have a feeling that maybe he was right about that. It was probably a bunch of idiotic people, thinking they can get away with making fun of Eddsworld.
By the time I got home and logged onto my computer, I noticed something unusual. When I checked my e-mail, I noticed I got a new message. It was stated as "PAYBACK". I clicked on it, and here's what it said:
"You may have stopped us from attempting to show our feelings toward Edd. We HATE him after he abandoned us for that good-for-nothing Tom. You're lucky kid, but this is only the beginning. That video that got pulled was just our feelings being expressed. When we meet Edd again, he WILL pay for abandoning us."
There was no return address. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I tried calling Edd back at the hospital again, but Tom picked up the phone instead. I told him about that e-mail I got, and what it exactly said. He said it was a few other kids from a different country he was friends with before they started doing things such as smoking, getting into trouble with the police, and even stealing from houses and people... Edd didn't want anything to do with them anymore, and just went onto his own life until he met Matt, Tord, and Tom.
Maybe it was exactly the same guys who made that video... We'll never know for sure, but I do know now that these guys are probably blackmailing Edd through me. I don't know WHY they're doing it, nor do I even know how they got my e-mail address. I can tell you that I don't think those guys have the guts to travel all the way to the U.K. just to threaten Edd. If they did, we wouldn't see Edd die peacefully, and Eddsworld would officially be over for good. If they didn't come here to kill him at all, Edd would die of leukemia.
But they didn't come, Edd passed away on his own, and well, here we are.